Friday 30 August 2013

Notification For 4th Inter-School Debate Fixtures

This is to bring to your notice the 4th Interschool/faculty debate draws which was concluded on 22nd August, 2013. The programme is scheduled to hold between 5th & 6th of September, 2013 at Yusuf Grillo Hall, Yaba College of Technology, Time: 10am. Its fixtures and Topics for your school is hereby attached below:

It is hereby advised that your school prepares for all 6 topics which will lead through the 1st and 2nd stage, while the topic for the final will be made known on the day of final event.

We wish this letter be passed across to the School/Faculty student head/president for immediate and timely action. We wish your school/faculty best of luck in the upcoming edition.

Thank You for your cooperation. 

Yours in constructive struggle.


1. Information system (ICT) is more of curse  than of benefit to educational system in Nigeria.
2. Civilization is a Monster threatening the dark continent of Africa.

3. Religious Leaders plays significant role in the socio-economic development and spiritual upliftment of mankind.

4. The energy question in Nigeria with relation to the performance of PHCN is a clear indication of under development than of corrupt practices.

5. The failing standard of education in Nigeria is not a function of strikes os Academic Union but that of endemic problem of the society. 

6. The amalgamation of the various ethnic diversities in Nigeria by Lord-Lugard in 1914 was more of a curse than blessing.


Support                                                             Against                         Topic
School of Engineering                           School of Technology               3
School of Art & Design                          School of Environmental        2
School of Liberal Studies                       School of Management          1
School of Science                                 School of Technical Edu        4

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