Saturday 21 September 2013

MTN Project Fame Academy Day 53: The Visit To Yabatech

Cobhams and Miss Ige continued in helping the contestants with their personal compositions to ensure that their songs become hits.

They took time to rehearse their songs and Cobhams told them when performing on live stage, one needs to spice it up so it won't be boring to the listeners, he did also made some corrections on some of their compositions again.  He promised to wrap up the session next class.

Later in the evening the sensational six went to YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY for their meet and Greet, the crowd at the event was one of its kind as their fans were already waiting for their arrival. They were so excited and felt appreciated by their fans especially Omolayo who saw his sister. This is the best of all the Meet and Greet they have had and wished they could go back again.

Later on, Miss Ige's class (EXTENDED) enlightened the viewers  on how to take care of their voice well by trying to avoid shouting and drinking warm water.

Beautiful people, please don't miss tomorrow's show as the contestants take us to the land of jazz and soul music!

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