Tuesday 7 January 2014

Yabatech SUG Fee Payment 2013/14 Session

This is to Notify the entire students about the commencement of payment of Student Union due and its details of payment is accordingly:

Freshers: N800

Returning Students: N600

Bank: Skye Bank, Yabatech Branch

Account Name: SUG YABATECH

Account Number: 1140016622

After Payment, students should take the customer copy of the Bank's Teller to Office of the Financial Director at the SUG Building to obtain an SUG Receipt. 

For further info Call:
President: 07069457484
Financial Director: 08068338145
Public Relations Officer (PRO): 07088945373

1 comment:

  1. what the importance of paying, cos i dont think it makes sense, but you making it making sense to me is what i what to hear


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